Add a Product

Adding a product in the app requires data similar to when adding a product in your store. Follow the steps outlined below to add a product via the app:

  1. From the Product list view tap the + icon at the top-right of the screen.
  2. Select from Simple physical product, Simple virtual product, Variable Product, Grouped Product, or External product.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields.
  4. Tap Add more details to add, as required by your product, Shipping weight and dimensions, categories and tags, a short description, and linked products.
  5. Under the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen, there are options to Save as draft, Product Settings, or to cancel the product creation. Product Settings contain familiar WooCommerce options:
    • Status
    • Visibility
    • Catalog Visibility
    • Downloadable product toggle
    • Enable product review toggle
    • Slug
    • Purchase Note
    • Menu Order
  6. Once the new product configuration is completed click PUBLISH at the top-right of the screen

Delete a Product

A published product can be shared, and a product with any status can be deleted.

To delete a product:

  • Enter the Detail view of the product.
  • Tap the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen.
  • Select Trash product.
  • Remove product prompt appears.
  • Tap MOVE TO TRASH to confirm, or CANCEL to exit.
  • Confirming will move the product to trash and return you to the Product list view.
  • Cancelling returns you to product detail view.

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